Let’s Grow Kids Action Network (LGKAN) is a 501(c)(4) affiliate of Let’s Grow Kids, created to spearhead the community organizing and political accountability needed to drive a 3-year legislative campaign to publicly fund and support a high-quality child care system that is affordable and accessible to all Vermont families.
Let’s Grow Kids and LGKAN will work together to advance our collective policy agenda both in Vermont communities and in the State House. But, as a 501(c)(4) organization, LGKAN is better-suited—legally and financially—to organize communities to support, endorse, and hold accountable policymakers to ensure all of Vermont’s children have access to high-quality, affordable child care.
In sum, LGKAN has the tools to truly unlock the political will needed to achieve our mission so that, by 2025, every Vermont child will have an equal opportunity to learn, thrive, and reach their full potential.

First and foremost, please take a moment to sign on in support and join the campaign. You can also:
Thank you so much for your support! Together, we’re going to create historic, positive change for Vermont’s children.
Let’s Grow Kids Action Network, Inc. is a non-profit corporation operating under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, and gifts are not tax-deductible. Our federal tax identification number is #85-2173576.