Aug 14, 2024

Child Care Champions Win Big in Vermont Primaries

Child Care Champions Win Big in Vermont Primaries

The following is a statement from Aly Richards, Board President of Let’s Grow Kids Action Network, on the results of Vermont’s Primary Election:

“We would like to congratulate the 106 Let’s Grow Kids Action Network endorsed child care candidates on winning their primary races for the State Legislature. These candidates have a proven track record on child care and are committed to continued work on the issue. They stood up for Vermont’s families and our youngest children through their support for Act 76, Vermont’s historic child care law.

“This wave of support for child care candidates from all around our state makes clear that child care remains a top issue for Vermonters as we look to the general election.

“With the many challenges facing our state, progress on child care has been a bright spot for Vermont this year. Thanks to these legislative leaders and their work on Act 76, over 1,000 new child care spaces have been created, early childhood educator wages are increasing, and by the end of this year, thousands more Vermont children and their families will qualify for more affordable child care. The early success of Act 76 shows that public investment in child care is working.

“Tuesday’s results show that Vermonters are united in solving our state’s child care crisis – because when we invest in child care, we strengthen families and grow our economy. This election season is an opportunity to build on the progress we’ve made together, to bring us closer to a child care system that works for everyone.

“The Child Care Campaign and its 40,000 supporters look forward to building on this momentum in the general election and continuing to support candidates up and down the ticket who are prioritizing public investment in child care.”


About Let’s Grow Kids Action Network

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network is a 501(c)(4) organization focused on passing laws that fund and sustain an equitable child care system in Vermont by 2025. As a social welfare organization, working in partnership with Let’s Grow Kids in service of Vermont’s Child Care Campaign, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network can engage in political and electoral advocacy and lobbying. Learn more at

Learn More About Let's Grow Kids
We are Vermonters working to drive policy change in our communities, so all children and families have access to the high-quality child care they need. Learn more at: