Sep 10, 2024

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network Endorses Additional 50 Child Care Champs Running for State and Federal Office

LGKAN Endorses Additional 50 Child Care Champs Running for State and Federal Office

Montpelier – Today, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network (LGKAN) announced its endorsement of 50 candidates in the upcoming general election running for Congress, statewide offices, and the Vermont House and Senate. These candidates join the list of 106 LGKAN-endorsed candidates who won their primary races in August. This newly endorsed slate of candidates, which includes Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, and Independents, have demonstrated a commitment to solving the state’s child care crisis through continued public investment. In total, for the 2024 elections LGKAN has endorsed 156 candidates, including 8 for statewide offices and 148 for the Vermont Legislature.

“The candidates endorsed today represent the full political spectrum and a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, but they are united in solving our child care crisis. They have listened to Vermonters who are saying loudly and clearly: this election, child care is a top priority,” said Aly Richards, Board Chair of LGKAN. “Over the past year, we have made significant progress towards solving our state’s child care crisis through public investment from Act 76. Vermonters need representatives, both in Montpelier and in Washington, D.C., who are committed to building on this momentum and ensuring every Vermonter has access to quality, affordable child care. These are the candidates that will lead Vermont forward for child care.”

Since Act 76 began rolling out last year, over 1,000 new child care spaces have been created, early childhood educator wages are increasing, and families are getting access to more affordable child care. Starting in October, thousands of additional children and their families will become eligible for more affordable child care through Vermont’s largest expansion of tuition assistance eligibility in state history.

During the endorsement process, the group of candidates below demonstrated they are committed to building on the progress so far from Act 76 to ensure:

  • All Vermont families have access to affordable, quality child care;
  • Every child has access to skilled and professionally compensated early childhood educators; and
  • Families spend no more than 10% of their household income on child care.

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network and its 40,000+ supporters around the state will be active on the campaign trail in the lead-up to the November general election to support these candidates who have listened to Vermonters and made child care a top priority.

Below is LGKAN’s list of newly endorsed candidates for the general election. Find the full list of 2024 endorsed child care candidates here:

Federal Offices:

Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senate

Becca Balint, U.S. House

Statewide Offices

Esther Charlestin, Governor

David Zuckerman, Lieutenant Governor

Sarah Copeland-Hanzas, Secretary of State

Mike Pieciak, Treasurer

Doug Hoffer, Auditor

Charity Clark, Attorney General

Vermont Senate

Rob Plunkett, Bennington District

Amanda Cochrane, Caledonia District

Andy Julow, Grand Isle District

Richard Westman, Lamoille District

Marsha Cassel, Rutland District

Joe Major, Windsor District

Vermont House of Representatives

Herb Olson, Addison-4

William Greer, Bennington-2

Robert Hunter, Bennington-4

Jim Carroll, Bennington-5

Mary Morrissey, Bennington-5

Michael Nigro, Bennington-5

Sabrina Morrison, Caledonia-2

Eileen Boland, Caledonia-3

Thomas Ziobrowski, Caledonia-Washington

Bram Kleppner, Chittenden-13

Missa Aloisi, Chittenden-17

Abbey Duke, Chittenden-17

Doug Bishop, Chittenden-20

Gayle Pezzo, Chittenden-20

Chloe Tomlinson, Chittenden-21

Shawn Sweeney, Chittenden-7

Bridget Burkhardt, Chittenden-8

Lonnie Poland, Chittenden-Franklin

Heather Moore, Franklin-7

Zach Scheffler, Franklin-8

Luke Richter, Grand Isle-Chittenden

Dave Yacovone, Lamoille-Washington

James Merriam, Orange-Caledonia

Leanne Harple, Orleans-4

Dave Potter, Rutland-2

Anna Tadio, Rutland-4

Mary Howard, Rutland-6

Adrienne Raymond, Rutland-Windsor

David Rapacz, Washington-1

Candice White, Washington-2

Teddy Waszazak, Washington-3

Melissa Battah, Washington-Orange

Zon Eastes, Windham-1

Ian Goodnow, Windham-9

Chris Morrow, Windham-Windsor-Bennington

Mark Yuengling, Windsor-2


About Let’s Grow Kids Action Network

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network is a 501(c)(4) organization focused on passing laws that fund and sustain an equitable child care system in Vermont by 2025. As a social welfare organization, working in partnership with Let’s Grow Kids in service of Vermont’s Child Care Campaign, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network can engage in political and electoral advocacy and lobbying. Learn more at

Learn More About Let's Grow Kids
We are Vermonters working to drive policy change in our communities, so all children and families have access to the high-quality child care they need. Learn more at: