Jun 26, 2024

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network Endorses 106 Child Care Champions Running for the State Legislature

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network Endorses 106 Child Care Champions Running for the State Legislature

Montpelier — Today, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network (LGKAN) endorsed 106 child care champions for the upcoming Vermont primary election. The slate of candidates is made up of incumbents in the State Legislature who have demonstrated their commitment to solving the state’s child care crisis by voting for Act 76, making the 2023 Child Care Bill law. Today’s list includes 87 candidates in the Vermont House of Representatives and 20 from the Vermont Senate, representing every county and all major parties — Democrats, Progressives and Republicans, as well as an Independent. Topping LGKAN’s endorsements are House Speaker Jill Krowinski and Senate President Phil Baruth, who both played pivotal leadership roles in the passage of Act 76 last year.

After the primary election this summer, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network plans to endorse a second group for the general election who demonstrate their commitment to building an equitable and sustainable child care system through long-term public investment.

“The candidates endorsed today have a proven track record of standing up for the thousands of Vermonters impacted by the child care crisis and are committed to building on the progress we’ve made together. Through their work passing Act 76, these child care leaders have not only declared that solving this crisis is a top priority, but also that it is within our reach as a state,” said Aly Richards, Board Chair of Let’s Grow Kids Action Network. “We are so proud to endorse these true child care champions. They understand that building a quality, affordable child care system is essential for Vermont, because it means children get the strongest possible start, parents can fully participate in the workforce, early childhood educators are given the compensation they deserve, and our whole economy gets a boost.”

The endorsed candidates below have demonstrated that they are committed to taking action to transform Vermont’s child care system to ensure:

  • Quality child care is accessible to all families when and where they need it;
  • No family spends more than 10% of their income on child care; and
  • Early childhood educators are fairly compensated and supported.

Speaking at a rally for child care on the State House steps last year, Speaker Krowinski touted the importance of long-term public investment in child care, saying “We are investing in people and investing in families in this state. Passing this child care bill is one of the most important things we can do. This shows the rest of the country what a state that truly supports families looks like.” Rollout of Act 76 started last fall and, as a result, more child care spaces are being created, early childhood educators are seeing increased wages, and child care is starting to become more affordable for more families.

Senate President Baruth echoed the same sentiments at the Act 76 celebration held last summer: "This child care bill represents the Legislature's unwavering commitment to transforming Vermont’s child care system, making child care more accessible and affordable for thousands of Vermont families and improving compensation for early childhood educators. This is what people-powered politics looks like.” This October, Act 76 will significantly expand income eligibility for child care tuition assistance, helping more Vermont families pay for child care. By the end of 2024, over 7,000 additional Vermont children and their families may be eligible for tuition assistance.

This summer and fall, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network and its 40,000+ supporters will be active on the campaign trail and at community events across the state to elevate child care as a top issue for Vermonters and candidates. “The 2024 election cycle is another significant moment for the child care movement in Vermont,” Richards said. “We have made tremendous progress by passing Act 76, and Vermonters have made it clear that child care remains a top priority this election season. We know this is the group of incumbent candidates that, when re-elected, will catapult our state forward and fully solve our child care crisis.”

Below is Let’s Grow Kids Action Network’s full list of endorsed candidates. Please also find the list of candidates here: letsgrowkidsactionnetwork.org/endorsements.

Vermont Senate

Christopher Bray, Addison District

Caleb Elder, Addison District

Ruth Hardy, Addison District

Seth Bongartz, Bennington District

Phil Baruth, Chittenden Central District

Martine Larocque Gulick, Chittenden Central District

Tanya Vyhovsky, Chittenden Central District 

Irene Wrenner, Chittenden-North District

Thomas Chittenden, Chittenden Southeast District

Virginia "Ginny" Lyons, Chittenden Southeast District

Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Chittenden Southeast District

Mark MacDonald, Orange District

Katherine Sims, Orleans District

Ann Cummings, Washington District

Andrew Perchlik, Washington District

Anne Watson, Washington District

Wendy Harrison, Windham District

Nader Hashim, Windham District

Alison H. Clarkson, Windsor District

Rebecca White, Windsor District

Vermont House

Robin Scheu, Addison-1

Amy Sheldon, Addison-1

Peter Conlon, Addison-2

Matt Birong, Addison-3

Diane Lanpher, Addison-3

Mari Cordes, Addison-4

Jubilee McGill, Addison-5

Timothy Corcoran, Bennington-2

David Durfee, Bennington-3

Kathleen James, Bennington-4

Mike Rice, Bennington-Rutland

Bobby Farlice-Rubio, Caledonia-1

Dennis LaBounty, Caledonia-3

R. Scott Campbell, Caledonia-Essex

Jana Brown, Chittenden-1

Angela Arsenault, Chittenden-2

Erin Brady, Chittenden-2

Edye Graning, Chittenden-3

Trevor Squirrell, Chittenden-3

Phil Pouech, Chittenden-4

Chea Waters Evans, Chittenden-5

Kate Lalley, Chittenden-6

Emilie Krasnow, Chittenden-9

Brian Minier, Chittenden-11

Martin LaLonde, Chittenden-12

Tiff Bluemle, Chittenden-13

Barbara Rachelson, Chittenden-14

Mary-Katherine Stone, Chittenden-14

Brian Cina, Chittenden-15

Troy Headrick, Chittenden-15

Jill Krowinski, Chittenden-16

Kate Logan, Chittenden-16

Robert Hooper, Chittenden-18

Carol Ode, Chittenden-18

Sarita Austin, Chittenden-19

Daisy Berbeco, Chittenden-21

Taylor Small, Chittenden-21

Karen Dolan, Chittenden-22

Lori Houghton, Chittenden-22

Leonora Dodge, Chittenden-23

Rey Garofano, Chittenden-23

Alyssa Black, Chittenden-24

Julia Andrews, Chittenden-25

Ashley Bartley, Franklin-1

Mike McCarthy, Franklin-3

James Gregoire, Franklin-6

Josie Leavitt, Grand Isle-Chittenden

Jed Lipsky, Lamoille-1

Daniel Noyes, Lamoille-2

Lucy Boyden, Lamoille-3

Saudia LaMont, Lamoille-Washington

Carl Demrow, Orange-1

Monique Priestley, Orange-2

Philip Jay Hooper, Orange-Washington-Addison

Larry Satcowitz, Orange-Washington-Addison

Michael Marcotte, Orleans-Lamoille

William Notte, Rutland-7

Stephanie Jerome, Rutland-9

Robin Chestnut-Tangerman, Rutland-Bennington

Dara Torre, Washington-2

Jonathan Williams, Washington-3 

Conor Casey, Washington-4

Kate McCann, Washington-4

Ela Chapin, Washington-5

Marc Mihaly, Washington-6

Thomas Stevens, Washington-Chittenden

Theresa Wood, Washington-Chittenden

Gina Galfetti, Washington-Orange

Francis McFaun, Washington-Orange

Michelle Bos-Lun, Windham-3

Leslie Goldman, Windham-3

Mike Mrowicki, Windham-4

Emily Long, Windham-5

Emilie Kornheiser, Windham-7

Mollie Burke, Windham-8

John Bartholomew, Windsor-1

Elizabeth Burrows, Windsor-1

Alice Emmons, Windsor-3

Kristi Morris, Windsor-3

Heather Surprenant, Windsor-4

Kevin (Coach) Christie, Windsor-6

Esme Cole, Windsor-6

Kirk White, Windsor-Addison

John O'Brien, Windsor-Orange-1

Rebecca Holcombe, Windsor-Orange-2

James Masland, Windsor-Orange-2

Heather Chase, Windsor-Windham

Let's Grow Kids Action Network notes that numerous community members have generously contributed to the Vote Child Care Fund, a political action committee registered with the Vermont Secretary of State that will enable focused support to the campaigns of endorsed child care candidates. Paid for by Let’s Grow Kids Action Network. PO Box 1234, Montpelier, VT 05601. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


About Let’s Grow Kids Action Network

Let’s Grow Kids Action Network is a 501(c)(4) organization focused on passing laws that fund and sustain an equitable child care system in Vermont by 2025. As a social welfare organization, working in partnership with Let’s Grow Kids in service of Vermont’s Child Care Campaign, Let’s Grow Kids Action Network can engage in political and electoral advocacy and lobbying. Learn more at www.letsgrowkidsactionnetwork.org.

Learn More About Let's Grow Kids
We are Vermonters working to drive policy change in our communities, so all children and families have access to the high-quality child care they need. Learn more at: